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The Absolutely Invincible Law Technique (絶招歩法の術, "Zesshōhohō no Jutsu") is a technique that causes the space around a target to collapse violently inward upon itself, crushing it out of existence. It is a product of kinetic energy.


Implosion is a process in which objects are destroyed by collapsing (or being squeezed in) on themselves.


Implosion sphere.

The opposite of explosion, implosion concentrates matter and energy. The user will instantaneously project their chakra around an opponent and cause it to close in rapidly, crushing them wholly. The degree, speed and overall power of the technique are dependent upon a person's motives. The ability has been seen, however, to eradicate a Tailed Beast Bomb in mid combat.

Because of the extreme amount of control required for use the jutsu, it does have its limits. The radius of the implosion grows weaker as one uses it; the more one uses the jutsu, the smaller their radius becomes on any given day. Furthermore, one can only implode 6 things at a time. The technique is still very useful though because it can be used quickly and is also capable of closing warped dimensions that open, forcing them in upon themselves which causes them to collapse.


  • Munō claims that this jutsu is destined to be what kills him. What he means by this is unknown.