Jūyonkaisō Barrier (十四階層, "Fourteen Layers Barrier")
A massive and complex invisible barrier having fourteenth robust layers to it, each administered by a hundred people, an expert in their field. The great barrier is located around the entire expanse of the Land of Fire. Individual ones exist in each of the colonies. Capital cities themselves have their own, mini version of the barrier system. It is powered by solar energy, chakra from each person inside of the nation, and the Nine-Tails. The system is regulated by the Shinobi Coast Guard and certain barriers are constantly active while others must be initiated. It is set up employing large football field-sized blocks located underground. Each block is situated with the Sōzō Algorithm (演算手順, "Sozo no Enzantejun") which ties the layers of the barriers together and are located around the perimeter of the territories, 10 miles below the surface of the earth. Through this algorithm, barrier management located throughout the country can control the effectiveness and activity of the barriers. Jūyonkaisō is active in each colony facilitated by the Republic.
All layers symbolically represent the 14 Hokage who have led Konoha.
• First Layer
Shōkidzuku (正気付く, "To Become Conscious", VIZ; "To Recover One's Senses")
The very first layer of the barrier system is tied into the All Seeing Eye of the Gods System (神々の義眼, "Kamigamigigankei"). Anyone within the scope of the barrier, which covers the entire land-mass of the Republic and its colonies, is subject to the system and their chakra is archived by both the Coast Guard and the Fire Intelligence Agency. Their location, chakra level, the speed at which they're moving, and an estimate of the land they hail from are also shown on a complex computer system. Not even spiritual beings or auras can escape.
• Second Layer
Ushinokokumairi (丑の刻参り, "Shrine Visit at the Hour of the Ox")
A barrier that is only activated when necessary—it can go up in less than a second at full throttle. The barrier essentially absorbs impact and is over forty meters thick. It acts as though it were liquid, twisting, and moving until it absorbs all of the kinetic energy and forces it back. If what it is defending against is less than "tangible" the barrier is still made up of a tight lattice formation that is quadruple enforced to fight off powerful strikes that could decimate cities.
• Third Layer
Zekkai (絶界, "Absolute Boundary", VIZ; "Barrier of Absolute Boundaries")
This is a barrier that can be activated at full throttle within less than a second. It is the second defensive barrier that is made upon a fifty-meter thick shield that is made of molecules tightly packed together making it akin to the Four Red Yang Formation, only holding power twice as effective. Anything from the outside that attempts to touch the barrier is engulfed in deep red flames that are hot enough to melt away strong steel alloys, a token from the Uchiha Flame Formation barrier.
• Fourth Layer
Myōga Seal (冥加封, "Divine Protection Seal", VIZ; "God's Protection Sign")
A barrier that is always active in the Fire Republic unless stated otherwise; no one can entirely use space-time. It uses the exclusive Myōga Seal Barrier (冥加封, "Divine Protection Seal") technique.
• Fifth Layer
Kyozō (巨象, "Gigantic Elephant")
A barrier that once activated pinpoints a target's chakra and applies a very heavy and robust weight of force upon them that causes them to be instantaneously discharged toward the ground unable to move; the weight and force can be increased depending upon the target(s).
• Sixth Layer
Denryoku (電力, "Electric Power")
A barrier when activated will electrocute a targeted person who is picked out by their chakra. The amount of electricity used can be enough to char a target alive or simply enough to cause slight discomfort.
• Seventh Layer
Kujaku (紅邪鬼, "Crimson Demon")
An always active barrier that uses the Nine-Tails' sage chakra to manage the Mountain Order System (山門, "Sanmonkei") to control the natural landscape of the country.
• Eighth Layer
Kaifū (開封, "Opening the Seal")
An always active barrier powered with the Sozo Algorithm (演算手順, "Sozo no Enzantejun") and makes use of Choshizenno Fuinjutsu— (超自然の封印術, "Supernatural Sealing Technique") to form seals for varying purposes.
• Ninth Layer
Complete Recovery—Almighty Healing (全治—全能治癒, "Zenchi—Zen'nōchiyu")
A barrier when activated by members of Sozo Clan in charge of this barrier can make use of the Sozo Algorithm and their chakra to tend to the wounded within the barrier. With the power they were able to invoke a curative influence in the injured while closing wounds together with the fuinjutsu in the scope of the barrier, should they need it. Being proficient in pinpointing the damaged as well as to extend their grip over the entire country to heal can be impressive, so much that its process was considered as "Almighty Healing" a nod to the Late Heiwa's technique. It is said that the people in charge could boost the benefits of healing through Nine-Tails' chakra to add on upon the Sozo's chakra to tend though it is rare.
• Tenth Layer
Tenmei (天命, "Heaven's Decree", VIZ; "Divine Decree")
An always active barrier than absorbs chakra/natural energy from everyone/everything within the Fire Republic in very, very small increments all year round. This chakra is stored in a secure location managed by the Fire Intelligence Agency. Each chakra is stored separately and when it is necessary to use said chakra it can be administered to individuals or the barrier's layers themselves. There is a large reservoir in waiting for use.
• Eleventh Layer
Juuhogo (住保護, "Living Asylum", VIZ; "Asylum of the Living")
A barrier that when activated nullifies one's ability to perceive the chakra, spiritual energy, or physical energy of anything within it. On the technological side of things, the barrier shuts of electronic communication to and from anyone or anything outside of the range of the barrier unless stated or controlled otherwise. It is managed by the army exclusively. The barrier overlaps with the First Layer and will absorb the chakra of any incoming force of energy, small or large but the function can be shut off independently from the other functions.
• Twelfth Layer
Kichijōten (功徳天, "Thousand Eyes Paralysis")
A barrier that when activated channels resources from the Tenth Layer and pinpoints a target's chakra in order to entrap them in a powerful paralysis technique that nullifies all cognitive function. Because the barrier can be continuous, it is possible to continue without let up on casting such an illusion, creating a never-ending cycle of genjutsu attack. The verve of the illusion is dependent on the chakra added and the intention of the one adding it.
• Thirteenth Layer
Jaakujōka (邪浄化 "Purification of the Wicked")
A barrier when activated obliterate all that is malicious within the country and its colonies in sorts of curses, negative emotions, demons, and even more. It was no doubt conceivable as it makes use of the chakra of the Mythical Priestess Owa Sozo's Light Clone and the Seventh Front—Pure Land Paradise Region technique while making use of the continuous reserves of chakra it is ingested through the Tenth Layer to do so. In the said activation one could be engulfed by the yellow light in which invoke such a curative effect in one's soul as one could find their withered health recovered. In the event of Owa Sozo's incapacitated status, they can make use of the Seventh Front with the combined spirit energy of its citizens and visitors from the Tenth Layer.
• Fourteenth Layer
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Reserved for the Fourteenth Hokage.