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Kechi (ケチ, Kechi) is the President of an affluent island nation, the Land of Coins. He is well-reported to be the wealthiest person alive with a supposed net worth of over 60 trillion ryō. As a descendant of the Isogi clan, Kechi suffers from a rare ailment which has fueled his sadistic experimentation on humans and animals in order to find a cure. He is a prominent figure on the black-market and is one of only a few people who have possessed the rare kekkei keiro, Cell Release. Kechi is not only distinguished widely for his wealth but also his lust for money and greediness.


Kechi was born in 1199 AH to Keda Isogi, a genin of the Hidden Petal Village and Matsukasa, a woman of the Kenpo clan. As a child he was unusually small as a result of being born both stillborn and premature. Kechi was the youngest of 18 children and in his early years he was disturbed by the Isogi clan’s practice of giving young and healthy children to the clan scientists for experimentation. This was done in hopes of unlocking the secrets of their kekkei genkai and solving their ailments. Wealthy members of the clan could instead pay a fee in order to bypass this rotational practice but because their family was poor, Keda and Matsukasa were unable to pay the toll.

At some point his mother promised that she would no longer give her children to the clan’s experiments after seeing how beautiful of a baby Kechi was. Even by his clan’s standards he was born with a particularly strong bloodline limit and early-on he was able to manifest the rare kekkei keiro, Cell Release. This made him a prime candidate for the clan ritual.

Baby Kechi

In order to prevent the Isogi clan from taking Kechi his parents sold him to a wealthy family at the Land of Coin’s capital. The entire event of being left behind was traumatizing to Kechi who waited every night for his parents to return and take him home. It, along with the clan ritual, would further fuel his lust and dependency on money. Eventually Kechi would escape from his servitude and live in the countryside where he met Kōjin and several other children with whom he became known for troublemaking, stealing and lying. It was his upbringing which taught Kechi that wealth could buy one's way through life.

While hunting a rabbit for food one day Kechi was reverse summoned by the rabbit back to its home-world, the Land of Rabbits. There he would train to hone his speed and abilities beyond what he had learned in the Hidden Petal Village.

Upon returning from the Rabbit Country a year later Kechi discovered that many of his miscreant peers had died from a famine and Kōjin was gone without a trace. He would at some point join up with a band of thugs and criminals and because of his abilities quickly made it up the hierarchy before he eventually killed the black-market warlord and took his place.

Kechi as a Child

Throughout the years Kechi would scam his way through the food-chain of the Land of Coins, going so far that he was able to use the country’s business-oriented government to his favor. By means of trickery, black-mail and murder, Kechi became the youngest President of the nation’s history by the age of 20 years old.



Upon meeting someone new the first thing Kechi will do is sift through their net-worth and value with his eyes. He does this in order to determine their usefulness to him and if he should deem them “worthless” he is not foreign to gesturing his security to dismiss them.

Hoodie kechi2

When Kechi sees something worthwhile in a stranger he will often use the smooth-talking's of a charlatan to coerce them to befriend him or do his bidding. Value to him is more than money; it is a person’s worth in whatever a situation calls for. Proof of this is the fact that Kechi still keeps the near-worthless coin he earned as a boy when he was a servant in the Land of Coins. To him, the coin is a symbol of where he was and where he is and how he refuses to ever return to servitude.

Kechi’s idea of loyalty is skewed; he believes that loyalty is circumstantial and if something does not work to his benefit that he deserves the right to forfeit any claims of affiliation. He, despite being the President of the Coin Country, would sell out his nation if it meant keeping his life. He is sadistic in many cases, experimenting on innocent people in order to unlock the secrets of genetics. He can be quite rude and demeaning to poor and unfortunate individuals but frowns upon foul-language. Kechi finds things humorous that most people would see as despicable.

Kechi in Hanagakure

Even if a person is at their breaking point he will discover ways to exploit them. This is seen in his dealing with Lady Kasumi the Kazekage who was murdered by Izanagi Uchiha.[1] Upon her request of assistance from him he immediately concocted a plan to manipulate her and use her for influence in the future. Despite this, Kechi keeps a promise if it means making him money or giving him an upper-hand. A comical note about Kechi is that he is desperately irked when people comment on his height. He will often mis-hear others when they use the words "small" or "tiny" and instead assume they are making fun of him.

Kechi is not always truthful and will use his influence to the best of his abilities to get the upper hand on others. This is seen with regard to his son Keji Isogi when the then-genin found out that he was promptly promoted to chunin at the behest of his father who paid for his promotion so as to look impressive among those in the village.

Kechi Sit2 SMALL


Both men and women adore Kechi; he is a handsome man. When people meet him for the first time they often notice how short he is. Despite his small frame Kechi is lean and has very little body fat. Both his eyes and hair are the same tone of cotton-candy colored pink. His hair is coarse, thick and kept short as an adult but in his youth he often wore an afro or braids.

Kechi Settei Reference

His eyebrows are a maroon color. They are thicker than usual but often act as a contrast to the light-pink face markings beneath his eyes. The markings themselves curl up under the eyelid in a sharp crescent. Kechi has full lips, his upper lip being a shade darker than his lower lip. When he smiles both canines are sharper than what is “normal”. His right ear has a 24 karat gold earring in the shape of a tear drop and around his neck are two large gold necklaces that each down toward his stomach. He has on his right hand a single gold ring on his middle finger and two gold rings on his pointer finger.

The man’s jacket, known as the Blue High Priest Coat, is a sky blue-hue with a darkened blue collar in the style of a haori which reaches down to his calves. He wears 3.9 inch clog blue sandals with ashy gray pants. Attached to his pants is often a pouch or two full of his tools. Kechi, like many in his clan, wears a high collar funeral garment as a top. His is custom made with a white trim and an expensive purple silk sash around his waist.


It is a wonder that many - despite his impressive ability - do not know Kechi for his power. What comes to mind when others think of him is his intricate sway throughout the black market, even in places where he has no "official" capacity. Deep within the underworld but also on its surface, lowlifes, drug-dealers, kingpins and clients know of his brutal tactics and lust for wealth and power. Still, people seek him out because of his rate of success. Kechi's people get the job done and do so with an eagerness; their reward is often more valuable than money, such as the release of a loved one, a promised experiment to improve and ailment and even the guarantee to collaborate on future endeavors.

Kechi isogi naruto background

It should be noted that even though he is selfish the man does keep to his promises if and when it benefits him. As a shinobi he is of great repute - many view him as Flee on Sight and will attempt to escape when they notice his small stature, pink hair and body flanked by guards.

Team Pic SMALL2

Other shinobi connected to the black market often are disturbed or cautious of Kechi but they do not know the full scope and truthfulness regarding his scammer mentality and as such are dooped just like anyone else. In some cases he is known for paying people with counterfeit money and some rumors claim that he has toppled entire governments and societies by filling their economy with fake duplicates. Other "rumors" regarding the man is that he is sadistic due to his human experimentation and torture tactics.

Along with Kōjin, Ayako Ōkami and Yūbi Isogi, Kechi is apart of the Taino, a group of people who were once apart of a gang of delinquent criminal children, most of whom were homeless and poor. They become known as a collective menace due to their illegal activities, stealing and selling their limited abilities to warlords.


When it comes to his arsenal Kechi is quite particular. He uses only the finest of crafted weaponry and the metal used to produce them are developed in his laboratory in order to increase their overall effectiveness and lifespan. As one of very few who’ve ever been gifted with Doton Release he can control his tools like no other and manipulate their qualities on the smallest of levels. Perhaps the most favored of the tools in his arsenal, the Kadogamara sword brings Kechi true pleasure.


A blade crafted partly with the fang of the Nine Tails, the Kadogamara is particularly unique.

Crafted with some of the world’s most valuable materials, the Kadogamara is fitting for such an opulent individual. He will often use the sword with a reverse backhand grip, with both hands, or by channeling chakra through it. Coupled with his natural speed many note that a single swipe of his blade is often over a dozen and before they notice they’ve already been assailed.

He favors thinner-than-hair wires which sometimes appear translucent when he manipulates shuriken and kunai; a single gesture of his finger or body can command the wires in miraculous ways. During a fight with an opposing black-market sector, Kechi was able to dispatch over a hundred men using only a few shuriken through ricochet effects and blind spot targeting.

Chakra and Attributes[]

Chakra and Control[]

Not yet in his prime, Kechi is well-aware that his "ocean of chakra" (チャクラの海, "chakura no umi") was inherited from his mother, a woman of the Kenpo clan. He possesses such a large portion that it would be just to compare him to even the most noteworthy of the tailed beasts. Other than his mother's maiden gift, Kechi's very own kekkei genkai causes his cells and organs to constantly produce

Kechi chakra pink

Kechi's chakra possesses a pink hue.

chakra and consume it creating a sort of equilibrium within his body but certainly tiring out his internal systems. Still, it is no difficult task for him to share his reserves with others while having a bounty to spare. With regard to control it is of importance to note that in combat he is able to switch between different jutsu chakra-types in succession without losing momentum in concentration. The truth in this can be seen in his use of the Body Replacement Technique with which he can maintain a replacement form for far longer than most even after it has been damaged; some accounts state that he has used it for several days before an opponent realized their blunder and after he has already escaped. So-called basic techniques become quite powerful in his hands, especially because he can release the maximum power therein without wastefulness.

Kechi petal

In order to learn how to tightly bind his chakra so that the in-favor energy cleaving techniques would have little effect on him, Kechi developed a training method where he tasked himself with binding his chakra into thin strands and weaving them around one another as a braid. This quite literal metaphor is a testament to the collective force behind his chakra and the staying power it wields against enemy techniques. Although not a technique, it should also be noted that Kechi's chakra is unusually quick, probably as a result of his kekkei genkai. With the status of a guru it should be not surprise that he has an intricate understanding of the individual components of energies, including that of nature energy despite not being a sage.

Life Force[]

It is only as a result of his large chakra reserves that Kechi possesses a rare life force. His body's desire to cling to the world-of-the-living is quite aggressive, so-much-so that attacks that usually kill immediately are delayed with an unusualness. He also wields a rare ability which affords him the right to transfer his life force through a technique called Life Force Transfer Technique and should he need to take it back, the Life Force Absorption Technique. He used such a technique on Kasumi Yugata who was in a spirit form after death in order to give her a temporary physical body.

Willpower and Intent[]

Having grown up in poverty and depravity, Kechi has seen much hardship for someone his age. It would be easy to call it quits and capitulate but he chose the opposite - to continue. This has given him an outlook on life most cannot understand; difficulties are

Kechi Big Eyes

Generally, when Kechi widens his eyes he is making an unusual attempt to enter the mental consciousness of a target.

only doors to wealth that need to be opened. Through this he has been able to see through the intent and all-encompassing treachery of opponents, remaining unfurled by their hatred and desires. If anything can be overcome, certainly it is worth trying. Or so he says. As a guru who has not yet mastered the calling, Kechi possesses the ability to erase his intent and willpower entirely, acting as a "void" of sorts and remaining immune to the disturbances from others.

Through this very same spiritual sect he can use his intent to enter the spiritual plane of an opponent. Furthermore, Kechi's own bloodlust and anger can become quite palpable.



Perhaps one of his namesake abilities, Kechi is reputed to be one of if not the most adept Perception Types. This is a result of the guru's special sensory ability known as "path-finding" (経路探索, "keiro-tansaku") or "truth-seeking" (真実を求める, "shinjitsu o motomeru") which allows him to find practically anything no matter where it is so long as he has information on it.


Kechi has yet to be seen using the common chakra sensory technique but has displayed augmented hearing capabilities, no doubt a perk from his relations with the rabbit summoning companions he chooses. Through his status as a guru he can also sense the soul and spirits, even if he is not fully in the Spiritual Plane.


Wielding a level of intelligence higher than that of your own species can be troublesome. Those of the Isogi clan find it difficult to communicate with other people because the conversation seems to be too slow or people, in comparison, appear to be unintelligent. Kechi is no different - he is nothing short of a Super Genius who uses his mental capacities to ascertain otherwise

Kechi Looking Down

imperceptible information at a rapid pace and use it effectively. Because of this he is often several hundred steps ahead of his opponent and can predict their next moves far into a battle. Generally, though, this display of wit comes through in his human experimentation. He is well acquainted with the Kenkōhakkajiten (健康百科事典, "Health Encyclopedia"), a large storage of medical knowledge archived and stolen by his clan with the purpose of solving their ailing conditions. This measure of intelligence and mental workings, though, causes considerable mental fatigue which tires Kechi out quite rather quickly.

Speed and Stamina[]

Other than the struggles of their health the ultimate curse of the Isogi clan is their stamina. Even though they possessing godly rates of acceleration


they cannot maintain it long for fear of their bodies literally giving out. Kechi himself takes several doses of medicines a day and despite working alongside Kinshi, his assistant, to discover new and effective ones, he still finds himself tired out by the simplest of movement. Even a mundane walk down the halls of one of his laboratories can cause him severe headaches and fatigue. Most of the medicines he prescribes himself only last for a few hours and even then if he pushes his body too far their effectiveness runs dry at a faster pace. One of the ways he has shown the ability to circumvent this is through the Kannagara technique, a hiden jutsu of his clan which gives him the authority to steal speed from others for his own personal use.

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“Even if you didn’t blink... you’d still miss him...” Kechi - without even exerting himself - can move at speeds that bemuse even weighted sensory methods, regardless of whether or not they are artificial or genetic. Intricate and contrived arm and hand gestures often elude even the likes of the Sharingan; an eye fraught with maturity and experience would be the most minimal of prerequisites to contend with him. With a single step Kechi has been shown covering vast distances; he was able to transport himself from the Land of Coins to the Land of Peaches effortlessly. It should be noted that Kechi’s speed, which is the result of his kekkei genkai, is significantly disparaged by that very same bloodline limit, as beforementioned.

Kechi Geta

Kechi wears cursed sandals which increase their weight hindering his base speed by one notch at any given moment.

At one point Kechi was able to procure medicine from a tray right before the eyes of Kasumi Yugata and Kinshi Noroi. The two high level shinobi were unable to determine if he had moved while his voice and body remained undisturbed while in conversation.[2]

The manner with which he moves is not alienated in point A to point B; he can negate his own punch or a kick by using twice the speed gathered to send them by simply directing the energy in the opposite direction. This would otherwise be impossible for most. Given the proper set-up Kechi is capable of entering the highest tier of speed known to man. He has, however, only done this a single time in his life, citing the dangerous temptation which might leave him incapacitated or worse.

Strength and Durability[]

Although not particularly strong he is not without his ability to provoke others using strength. Because his body possesses very little fat on account of his genetics he is lean and trim; a single strike can crack and separate ribs while a targeted strike might cause a person to fall unconscious. If he combines his speed and strength Kechi can sent air pockets funneling toward an opponent with varying degrees of verve. His durability is nothing particularly special and in fact if it weren't for his life force one might be able to say that he is quite easy to kill.


With credit given to his kekkei genkai, Kechi recovers quite quickly from injury. Before his own eyes and the eyes of his opponent

Healing close

Without effort Kechi's wounds will heal at the expense of his stamina and future health.

steam will gallantly rise from scratches and wounds in order to reveal redefined and perfected skin that appears as though it had never been scathed. The very mechanic of his bloodline limit dictates the limitations of his healing; he can heal naturally but he cannot generate new limbs or entire organs. Sometimes - however - Kechi’s very own body will reject itself and will become exhausted from the overproduction of his cells which make it difficult for the body to recuperate. On an occasion the man was challenged with a poisonous species of arachnid from the Land of Spiders; his body’s natural defenses made quick work of the spider’s unique venom and before he could die an immunity had already been produced.

On another occasion Kechi, by his own fault, faced a salvo of enemy fire during a black-market raid which resulted in him taking dozens of bullets which were expeditiously discharged from his flesh and the wounds healed over as if it had never occurred.



While many rely upon their strength to defeat opponents Kechi is not always of the sort; he is much better suited for precision strikes out of the range possessed by enemy perception. To do this he will couple his speed with incredible dexterity to evade, draw distance, close distance and strike again and again until he has succeeded. This is, in part, the Instant Step fighting style. The secret behind his technique is being able to conceal himself from enemy sight while making professional use of tools to deal lethal strikes. He has been noted - particularly when fighting several people - to leap about as if he were a rabbit; his ability to jump succeeds that of normal people due to his training in the Land of Rabbits. A peculiar style developed by the man is one that he became known for as a teen - the Millionaire Fist. With it he can gather strength where there generally is none based upon the monetary value he puts on a task or opponent.

Kechi’s fighting style primarily is geared towards combating several opponents at once in close quarters. He is quite nimble and flexible, able to contort his body and even dislocate certain body parts should the need arise.


Without hesitation Kechi can and will use the Body Replacement Technique, Transformation Technique and his clans hiden jutsu Tenson simultaneously in order to beguile onlookers and deceive even the most seasoned of combatants. His execution of the techniques leaves very little to be desired on his end as their duration and distinguishing factors which might allow one to detect them fade away in imperceptibleness. Not even the

Kechi up2

Clone Technique is out of the question—a single seal is all he needs to call a clone of no substance forth; given enough concentration he can even create several of them without a hand sign while permitting them to act as afterimages for deceptive purposes. His status as a guru has given him insight on the inner workings of chakra and energies. He has used this knowledge on several occasions to dissect, contemplate on and imitate enemy abilities in his likeness. With regard to the Transformation Technique, Kechi can choose to transform only portions of himself at will. It is even possible for him to force a transformation on other people. Kechi has developed the ability to take on the actual attributes of the person or thing he has transformed into.


As a person who prides himself in his mental capacity and wherewithal it would be a surprise to suggest that Kechi cannot hold his own when it comes to genjutsu. He, after having trained in the Rabbit Country, learned to produce effective layered illusions in order to infiltrate the opponents mental plane. He can quite easily dispel illusions of B-rank and lower but genjutsu that are A and S rank require more concentration. It is especially difficult to truly capture Kechi in an illusion; during his time in the Land of Sleep[3] he revealed secrets regarding his defenses when meeting a certain someone.



Space-Time Ninjutsu[]

Kekkei Genkai[]


Kechi Dojutsu Animation

Body Modifications[]





Enter: The Frost King Madoguchi[]

Land of Sleep Arc[]

While in his laboratory located in the uncharted lands of the Shinobi continent Kechi was approached by the spirit of the Kazekage, Lady Kasumi, who he sensed in the Spiritual Plane. At her behest he agreed to help her get revenge upon the Land of Fire for invading the Land of Wind but not before they found her a new body.

Land of Sleep Forest

Chuku Forest has a thin mist within it that puts idle travelers to sleep.

Kechi used his ability to control his life force to allow Kasumi to enter the physical plane when he shared some of his physical energy with her. In exchange for her allegiance and support in dealing with the United Republic as well as information regarding the secret of her kekkei genkai, Kechi was eager to assist the woman. Taking the Spirit Highway, the two shinobi traveled to the Land of Sleep when they were intercepted in a mysterious woodland by a person named Jiyu.

Last of the Nubatama Clan[]
The Shinigami Ceremony[]
Kechi and Ketsugo meeting covertly in Bamboo Forest behind Ujidera Castle


Creation and Concept[]

When creating Kechi, Michael Madlock wanted to decide upon a central vice that would define the direction of the character throughout his story. He decided upon an obsession with wealth and money, particularly gold but not necessarily monetary value. The idea is that Kechi is more-so drawn to the power that wealth brings. Inspiration was further found in the tale of King Midas, a greedy man who had the ability to turn whatever he touched to gold.

As with many of his characters Kechi has a connection to the Chinese zodiac. Kechi is associated with the rabbit of Chinese zodiac. His birth-date, nature release, hobbies and even favorite colors reflect those associated with the Year of the Rabbit. The rabbit's unlucky number is 7 which apparently is Kechi's favorite number because he only uses it during negotiations, gambling and bets. He was also born on February 7.


  • Kechi (ケチ) can be translated to mean "stingy", "cheapskate" or "penny-pinching".
    • It is pronounced 'KEH—CHEE'.
    • When said in a certain way his name sounds like "cha-ching", a common chime to represent money being spent or earned.
  • He often starts his sentences with the prelude "-iu" (いう, say) which gives a similar effect to beginning a sentence with "Listen," or "Guess what?"
  • According to the databook(s):
    • Kechi's favorite color is gold
    • Kechi's favorite foods are expensive sweets and wagyu beef while he dislikes cheap foods
    • Kechi wants to fight Enō.
    • Kechi's favorite phrase is "Money over love, spoils over children" (愛よりもお金、子供たちよりも甘やかす, "Ai yori mo okane, kodomo tachiyori mo amayakasu")
    • Kechi's creator absolutely loves the creator of Kirinji Uchiha.
    • Kechi's favorite word is kichō (貴重, "valuable") while he dislikes shoyūken (所有権, "repossession")
    • Kechi's hobbies are counting money and stealing
    • Kechi's likes money while he dislikes bills
  • Kechi's supposed net worth of 60 trillion ryō translates to $470,468,125,342.80 (four hundred seventy billion) in United States Dollars.
  • Throughout the years he has taken on many names in order to escape debts and misdeeds. As a result of this he has become mononymous, going by only a first name of his choosing.


  • (To Kinshi) "Proximity to power deludes some into believing they possess it."
  • (To Keji Isogi his son) "Shake with your right hand but hold a rock in your left."
  • (To spirit Lady Kasumi) "Yeah, I know who you are. I keep tabs on most powerful and influential people."[4]
  • (To Jiyu) "You seem to be quite knowledgeable regarding the things of this "world". Your power intrigues me so I shall entertain you."[5]

Video Games[]

  • Intro: "Say... How much are you worth?"
  • Win: "Time is money and you seem to be out of it. Hmph..."
  • Loss: "Drat... "

Other Media[]

Kechi Isogi as he appears as a guest character in the popular, international game The Sims 4 (2014). His famous money-grubbing personality makes the the sim world a living nightmare, just as it does in Naruto (Universe 4). The sim was designed by Bernard on a live stream.

