The Land of Wind (風の国, "Kaze no Kuni") is one of the great five nations dating back thousands of years. It is located to the south-west of the Land of Fire and borders many smaller lands. Its government leader is the 13th Kazekage Kasumi Yugata, who is also the Wind Daimyo. The country covers a vast portion of Shinobi Continent, but is significantly composed of deserts and until a recent technological boom had little to offer in the means of productivity outside of themselves. Because there is very little rainfall throughout the year, the people of the country live in villages built on one of the desert's many oases. Despite the country's extremely harsh environment, it has a large population. There was a great deal of trade going on between Land of Wind and Land of Fire, whose alliances seems to be now threatened by a recent invasion. The Red Tongue swiftly moved in to occupy Land of Wind territory and even instated a fake Kazekage, using Land of Fire's military powers.
Sunagakure (砂隠れの里, "Hidden Sand Village", Viz: "Village Hidden in the Sand") is the hidden village in the Land of Wind, one of the five great shinobi countries. Sunagakure is home to the Kage and an innumerable portion of Land of Wind's shinobi population. There have been thirteen Kazekage throughout history, all helping the village's people as their superiors explicitly until recent time when the Kazekage's concerns stretch outside of Sunagakure to the rest of the Land of Wind.
Nationwide Defense[]
Like it’s kage system, the Land of Wind’s Department of Defense draws heavily from the Land of Fire’s military structure, with its own alterations to fit the function, climate, and political workings. As it is bigger than many of the other countries, and has abundant sources of both gold and oil, allowing it to be well off in both trade and wealth. Under the 13th Kazekage, Kasumi Yugata, there is a requirement that ALL residents serve a minimum of three (3) years in the Land of Wind’s military. While they can choose to work in any branch, when one comes of age (18) they are summoned to train and learn the basics. Those who choose to enlist for longer get to pick their jobs, whereas those who only do the minimum requirement most often have jobs that require less training (or are higher risk). Many of the Non-Shinobi forces are put under the care of a ninja deemed B-Class and above, and all report to the Kazekage. Requiring mandatory enlistment serves the dual purpose of growing the military* and quelling hostility between the Shinobi and Non-Shinobi by requiring them to work in close proximity, and for this reason there are not many Anti-Shinobi views in the entire country.
- It should be noted that the 13th Kazekage turned a lot of attention to the advancement of her own military, as she felt that it was severely lacking compared to its allies. The numbers below are future projections for the following 10 years.
Department of Defense[]
The Land of Wind’s Department of Defense (防総省, "Bō Sōshō", VIZ; "Bureau of Defense") is an executive branch department of the national government charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government directly related to national security and the Land of Wind Armed Forces. The DoD is the largest employer in the world, with nearly 1.3 million active-duty service members (soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen) and civilians working for it.
The Wind Empire employs the use of jinchuriki, as well as various different chakra sources found in the country to employ a nationwide defense, it's location being top secret, known only as Kazejoōdansen(風女王団扇, “Wind Queens Fan”) and managed by the Kazekage. It is from here that all activity is monitored and decisions on defending are made. It is also from here that the Kazekatsugi (風担ぎ, "Wind Carriers") and Kazesa (風鎖, "Wind Chain"), are activated from.
The Kazekatsugi are newly founded and employed through the Yugata Clan. Three Large Demon-Like entities that have entered into a contract with Yugata members in Land of Wind's National Guard. They are stationed in different parts of the Land of Wind in order to assure that they can be quickly dispensed to deal with incoming threats, and each has a specialty to deal with it's intended threat (one is more maneuverable through the air, the other water, and the final earth). While they are only one in charge of each sector, each one is incredibly powerful, imbued with power from the Kazesa, are near immortal, and all are capable of traversing the country in under seconds.
Wind Carrier #1 is located Northwest of Chikado City in the Kizaana Province. It was placed with specific thoughts of threats coming from the nearby Land of Demons, and as such is much faster and maneuverable than it's other two counterparts. Capable of turning on a dime and moving at incredible speeds,
Wind Carrier #2 is located Southeast of the Inka Pyramid, between the Sabaku and Fire Sea. It is capable of flight, but it’s specialty is water, and so it’s tail swings from side to side, creating twice as many jets of water as other fishes’ tails, and smoothing out the thrust and making swimming more efficient, allowing this creature to swim dexterously and effectively take out threats in the water.
Wind Carrier #3 is located just North of Uzu Lake. Like #1 and #2 it is capable of flight, but it has spines on its exterior, that function to help push it through the earth. This allows for accelerated burrowing and tunnelling. For this reason Wind Carrier #3 is noted to be the hardest out of all three to locate, as whenever it is not active it is underground, hidden from prying eyes.
Kazesa, The Wind Chain[]
The Kazesa is an incredibly large chain that spans the borders of the entirety of Land of Wind. Each link is 6 meters wide and 10 meters high and has a fuinjutsu in it that allows designated forces to be summoned to any set link and notify of movement or tampering. The chain is coursing with the One-Tailed Beast's power, augmenting both the chain and the Biju. The chain's tie through many of the outposts that surround the Land of Wind's borders, supporting the connection that spans the country.
Utilizing the One-Tailed Beast's abilities, the Kazesa allows for control of sand in the country's entirety, forming a sensory barrier that informs whenever someone has entered the border. The barrier can create and redirect sandstorms over the Land of Wind, capable of stopping invading forces long enough for Shinobi Forces to be deployed to intercept, as well as stall long enough for the Kazekatsugi to arrive. This function can also serve as a means of entrapment, summoning sandstorms to halt a fleeing fugitive, and even erecting large borders.
The Kazesa also serves as a protection from outside sensory techniques, as anyone trying to look within the country would only sense the chakra of the One-Tailed Beast.
Military Composition[]
The following are a list of the Shinobi Forces in the Land of Wind:
Shinobi Army: 376,206 shinobi
Shinobi Marine Corps: 163,092 shinobi
Shinobi Navy: 267,286 shinobi
Shinobi Air Force: 258,015 shinobi
Shinobi Coast Guard: 32,782 shinobi
Shinobi Reserves Forces: 153,064 shinobi
Total Shinobi Forces: 1,743,395 shinobi
The following are a list of the non-Shinobi Forces in the Land of Wind:
Wind Army: 90,785 soldiers
Wind Marine Corps: 21,335 soldiers
Wind Navy: 54,144 soldiers
Wind Air Force: 61,144 soldiers
Wind Coast Guard: 8,239 soldiers
Wind Reserves Forces: 153,635 soldiers
Total Wind Forces: 389,282 soldiers
Total Number of Armed Forces: 2,132,677
Military Outposts[]
Varying in size, location, and function, the Military Outposts* that Land of Wind have are strategically placed all about the country, with all reporting directly to the Kazejoōdansen(風女王団扇, “Wind Queens Fan”) in a steady procession on the happenings of the country. They also help support the Kazesa, being maintained by forces there, and carefully monitored for tampering. In order to ensure that efforts to sabotage the protection of the country, times in which the chain is checked are changed, as well as inspected at every notification.
Located in the Kazedame City, and under the command of the Supreme Commander (崇高主謀, "Sūkōshubō", VIZ; "Noble Commander") who governs the entire military Kazejoodansen(風女王団扇, “Wind Queens Fan”) is the center for ll of the Land of Wind’s Department of Defense. On the surface, while beautiful in architecture, the center for all of military operations does not look impressive, or that it could house all of the necessary components to run the large military. This is largely due to the fact that most of the operations are actually underground. It is tightly secured, unseen by anyone without the highest tiers of security clearance. Many of its workers undergo training to avoid giving up the operations classified information. Many of the Wind Reserve forces take jobs here, and it has many active components working from all branches, making the number of people usually working in the building close to 60,000 people.
— In the event of an attack/infiltration there are numerous fuin’s placed about the entire facility that summon the Kazekage. Their locations are top secret and can only be activated by certain people.
— There are vast tunnels underneath the settlement that come from the Fire Sea that are utilized by the Land of Wind Navy to reach the command center.
— It's believed that Kasumi Yugata has over 1,000 plans for the strengthening of Land of Wind's military and borders.
The Land of Wind has begun flourishing in it's technology, having had a recent technological boom. There technology constantly recieves updates, with it's most updated being located in prioritized locations.
(天国鏡, LIT. "Heaven's Mirror")
The Tengokukyo is a large planetarium located at an Outpost South West of Atama no Hana. While the Land of Wind has not begun space exploration and has not sent satellites into orbit, to prevent other countries' spying via satellite, they have erected this incredibly powerful space monitoring station. Within the Tengokukyo, many telescopes and mirrors are maintained and monitored around the clock. Using the large amount of gold that can is harvested from the country, they have purchased a large diamond they have named The Kazesenko (風閃光, "The Wind Glare"). The Kazesenko constantly scans the skies above the Land of Wind, searching for irregularities (such as reflective surfaces, objects that absorb light, etc.) and send a surge of light at this object, similar to how a mirror can reflect a beam of light, thus obscuring any view of top secret facilities located above ground until the foreign object is either identified and given the proper access, or passes over and is no longer able to see anything from it’s location.
New Surveillance System[]
A defense system fashioned to use Miwaku’s Mirror (after being purified by Kasumi). Across the country in areas, reflective obelisks that observe movement are placed. Over time they observe people and places, and send notifications to be observed if anything out of place takes place (such as a foreign person or sudden attack). Its powered by powerful spiritual energy as well as a little known secondary source.
- The "Sand Dumpling" (砂団子, Suna Dango, English TV: Sand Dango) is a regional speciality of the Land of Wind. A unique characteristic of the Sand Dumpling is the soy flour, which is prepared especially to resemble sand. They apparently taste very good.