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The Spirit Highway (霊高速道路, "Reikōzokudōro", English TV: "Spirit Channel") is a route in the spirit world that is teeming with a powerful spiritual energy. Somehow the route defies the laws of nature and becomes perceptible in all four of the Core Dimensions by those trained to detect such things. Using the Spirit Highway it is possible for one to traverse throughout the globe in the tiers of a spirit, instantaneously moving from one place or another.

It should be noted that the longer one travels through the Spirit Highway the more they threaten to have their spirit ripped from their physical body, killing them. Although the Highway itself is in the Spiritual Plane it allows physical beings to ride it.


  • When spirits die they enter through the highway in order to reach their final destination.
  • The Spirit Highway can allow those who can control it enough to enter all of the Dimensions.
  • It cannot be tampered with.